Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just a quick note...

"Mr. Obama noted that the recently enacted stimulus package called for spending some $5 billion on the Early Head Start and Head Start programs — an investment that he said would be rewarded by lower welfare rolls, fewer health care costs and less crime, as well as better classroom performance. He said he would ask Congress to finance a program that would provide grants to states that improve their early childhood programs." - NY TIMES

One of my favorite parts of the day is going online and seeing what is going on in America and finding things like THIS!!! I just wanted to tell everyone back home that I am ecstatic about what is going on in our country, what now with stem cell research and the stimulus package...I can't wait to see the difference between what America was when I left and what it will be in the short 4 months that I am gone. I am so proud to be an American!!


  1. hahaha its great that you think things are going so great... the tone here in Washington is a little dapper though... people (including dems) are starting to turn on obama quickly because of the stimulus stuff. people are really pissed about it... but fuck it, yay for jumpstart!

  2. Hi Katie: Obama is doing what he needs to do, but of course the Republicans are fighting him all the way and want everything better yesterday - he's hanging tough, but I have to say the Saturday Night Live skits are great again!!! I love your description of the west coast and it sounds so beautiful. I was telling everyone at the polls yesterday about you and your adventures and they were pretty impressed!!! I won by only 23 votes - it was really close, but a win is a win!!! Love you big time - I have to get more minutes on the phone account before I can call you - I will try to do that tomorrow. Love mom :)

  3. ha! i had no idea about those kind of feelings in washington. I am completely disillusioned, everyone here is obsessed with obama and everything that he does is considered next to godliness...I'm sure i'm just feeding into the sentiments. I sure do miss that dc cynicism! lol

  4. DC sucks.
    Boston rules!

  5. I feel safe saying that the economy will work itself out in due time. As politicians debate it seems like the media "forgets" about all of the good things that are happening in the world. If only truthful stories of inspiration with messages of hope and peace could be publicized the current attitude of the world would improve.
    What you said about Obama in your comment is very interesting. A teacher of mine was telling our class that Obama memorabilia is extremely valuable in certain regions of Africa. I think that it is great that a person can spread a message of hope and peace to people in many different regions of the world.

  6. Obama is god here. People alternate between calling me "white girl" and "Hey Obama!"

    It's an interesting dynamic, and it seems to be creating an identity crisis for me.
